Pineapple Skin Water

Pineapple Skin water, also known as pineapple-infused water, is a refreshing and hydrating beverage that has gained popularity in recent years. This tropical twist on plain water offers a variety of health benefits and is a delicious way to stay hydrated. From aiding in digestion to boosting immunity, here are some of the many benefits of pineapple water.

1. Rich in Nutrients
Pineapple is packed with essential nutrients, including vitamin C, manganese, and bromelain. Vitamin C is known for its immune-boosting properties, while manganese plays a role in bone health and metabolism. Bromelain is an enzyme that helps aid digestion and reduce inflammation in the body.

2. Promotes Hydration
Staying hydrated is crucial for our overall health and well-being. Drinking water can sometimes get boring, and adding slices of pineapple to water can make it more enjoyable and enticing. Pineapple water is a great way to increase your fluid intake and keep your body hydrated.

3. Aids in Digestion
Pineapple contains bromelain, which is known for its ability to aid in digestion. This enzyme helps break down protein and can alleviate bloating, gas, and constipation. Drinking pineapple water can help improve digestion and promote a healthy gut.

4. Boosts Immunity
As mentioned earlier, pineapple is a rich source of vitamin C, which is essential for a robust immune system. Drinking pineapple water can help ward off illnesses such as the common cold and flu, especially during cold and flu season.

5. Anti-inflammatory Properties
Bromelain in pineapple also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can benefit those with arthritis or other inflammatory conditions. Incorporating pineapple water into your daily routine can help reduce inflammation in the body, leading to improved overall health.

6. Great for Skin and Hair Health
The high vitamin C content in pineapple water can help promote healthy skin by boosting collagen production and preventing skin damage. It can also help improve hair health by strengthening hair follicles and promoting hair growth.

7. Provides Energy
Pineapple water is a great source of natural energy. It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, along with natural sugars, which can provide a quick and healthy boost of energy. This makes it an excellent alternative to sugary and caffeinated drinks.

8. Low in Calories
Pineapple water is a low-calorie beverage, making it a great alternative to sugary drinks and juices. By drinking pineapple water instead of sugary beverages, you can reduce your overall calorie intake and promote healthy weight maintenance.

9. Easy to Make at Home
One of the best things about pineapple water is that you can easily make it at home. All you need is some fresh pineapple slices and a pitcher of water. You can also add other ingredients like mint, ginger, or lemon to enhance the flavor and health benefits.

In conclusion, pineapple water is a delicious and healthy way to stay hydrated and reap numerous health benefits. It is easy to make, low in calories, and packed with essential nutrients. So next time you’re feeling thirsty, ditch the sugary drinks and reach for a refreshing glass of pineapple water. Your body will thank you.

Pineapple Skin Water

The skin of a pineapple contains a higher concentration of nutrients compared to the flesh. It is high in fiber, vitamin C, manganese, and bromelain – a powerful enzyme that aids in digestion and reduces inflammation. By making pineapple skin water, you can easily add these nutrients to your diet.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
steeping time 19 minutes
Total Time 44 minutes
Course Beverage


  • The skin from one pineapple
  • 6 to 8 cups water


  • Clean the pineapple skin with a vegetable wash, vinegar bath, or baking soda bath, and rinse well.
  • Put your peels in the water until they are submerged.
  • Bring to just a boil and then simmer for 20 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and let steep for 20 minutes.
  • Strain through a fine mesh strainer.
  • At this point, you can add a little honey or maple syrup if you like.
  • Store in the refrigerator.
  • You can drink it warm or cold.
  • I try to have at least 1 cup every day!
Keyword Pineapple skin water
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