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Crock-Pot Beef Stock

A crock-pot, also known as a slow cooker, is a handy kitchen appliance that allows you to cook food at a low and constant temperature for an extended period of time. This gentle cooking process is perfect for making beef stock, as it allows all the flavors to slowly infuse and develop, resulting in a flavorful and nutritious stock.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 16 hours
Total Time 16 hours 15 minutes
Servings 3 quarts


  • 1 Crock-pot This recipe is for a 12 quart crock-pot


  • 2-3 pounds Beef bones, marrow bones, stock bones
  • 4 Ribes celery cut in large chucks
  • 4 Carrots cut in large chucks
  • 1 Large onion cut in large chucks
  • 5 cloves garlic smashed
  • 1 Parsnip optional
  • 4 tbsp Tomato paste
  • 3 Bay leaves
  • 1 tsp Whole peppercorns
  • Filtered water


  • Turn your oven to its highest heat setting 525° to 550°
  • Toss your bones with 2 Tbsp of the tomato paste and place on a sheet tray
  • Toss your vegetables with the remaining 2 Tbsp of tomato paste and add to the sheet tray, or if your oven is small it is ok to roast the separately
  • Roast the bones and vegetables for 15 minutes
  • Add the bones and vegetables to your crock pot, along with the bay leaves and peppercorns, and top with the water
  • Set your crock-pot to low and let cook for 14 to 16 hours.
  • Strain threw a colander and then strain again threw cheese cloth.
  • The stock will keep well for 4-5 days or may be frozen.
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